I dream of an APPNA that is financially independent and inclusive; an APPNA that is at the forefront of all philanthropic work in Pakistan.
Dr. Joseph Emmanuel


Dr. Joseph Emmanuel

Dr. Joseph Emmanuel, a dedicated and experienced physician, has been an active member of APPNA for over two decades. With an impressive background in student activism and leadership roles, he has continued to earn the respect and trust of peers over the years. Driven by a passion for diversity, Dr. Joseph aims to represent physicians of Pakistani descent in the US.

Why vote for Dr. Joseph Emmanuel?

Success in Foresight


Dr. Joseph Emmanuel envisions creating a future where diversity is celebrated, inclusivity is embraced, and every member of the community thrives.

Fostering Fairness

Dr. Joseph focuses on advocating for the rights and interests of all physicians, promoting fair policies, and fostering an environment of collaboration and progress.


Dr. Joseph believes that for APPNA to continue to grow and take on bigger projects to help Pakistan, it needs all of its medical forces to come together under one vision.
Mission and Vision

Ignite the Future, Empower Together!

Choose Dr. Joseph Emmanuel to unite the community, drive positive change, and transform a future of excellence for APPNA.
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Services to APPNA

Treasurer of APPNA/Chair of Finance Committee

During my tenure, APPNA achieved the highest revenue gain in its history, crossing the milestone of over 1 million in revenues.

APPNA BOD: Over 1 Million Dollars Were Raised

500 homes were built and delivered to flood victims in Pakistan by APPNA 2022 during my tenure. $206,000 was earmarked for APPNA’s future investment in real estate.

During the Pandemic

With a collaborative spirit, APPNA borrowed over $150,000 from life dues funds to sustain our organizational endeavors.

Chair of APPNA Publication Committee

As a team, we ensured that high-quality newsletters and meeting documents were printed on time, fostering effective communication within APPNA.

Chair of Membership Committee

Through our collective efforts to strengthen our APPNA community, the number of annual and life-voting members has surged past 3000.

Chair of APPNA Membership Committee

We accomplished a historic milestone in APPNA's growth, the highest-ever gain in membership within 1 year. Over 700 esteemed lifetime members joined our ranks, while 1.2 million was invested in APPNA lifetime dues, grown to approximately 4 million.

Transformational Initiatives

(1.2M) Gain from Sponsorship
Ear Marked to hire grant Writers
Permanent houses built in Pakistan Floods
Contributions to APPNA

Dr. Joseph’s Achievements

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APPNA Treasurer 2022

With APPNA member support, successfully served as the treasurer of APPNA, demonstrating prowess in financial management

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Chair of Finance Committee

Collaboratively spearheaded the Finances Committee to manage financial operations and implement effective strategies for the betterment of APPNA.

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Highest Ever Gain in APPNA Revenues

Participated in APPNA revenues’ unprecedented boost, surpassing $1 million in a single year.

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Donations for Home Building for Flood Victims

With the contribution of APPNA members, collected $164,000 for the construction of homes for flood victims, reflecting a commitment to social welfare.

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$1M+ Raised for Housing Project

With the collective dedication of APPNA members, we accomplished raising over $1 million for building and delivering 500 permanent homes to Pakistani flood victims.

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Investment in Real Estate

Over $200,000 has been earmarked for future investments in real estate with APPNA member’s support

APPNA Treasurer 2022
Chair of Finance Committee
Highest Ever Gain in APPNA Revenues
Donations for Home Building for Flood Victims
$1M+ Raised for Housing Project
Investment in Real Estate

APPNA Membership

Chair of the APPNA membership committee in 2013

Financial Support

In my tenure, APPNA successfully added 700 Life members for financial support every year.

Life Time Endowment Funds

United in purpose, APPNA members have contributed to the growth of lifetime endowment funds by $1.2 million, now reaching $4 million.

APPNA 2020 - 2021

Our joint efforts carried us through the challenges of 2020 and 2021, enabling us to leverage funds for smooth operations in APPNA
Dr. Joseph's Profile

Dr. Joseph’s CV for APPNA President Elect 2025

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As APPNA 2022 Treasurer

Significant amount of money left in APPNA accounts for future expenses.

$ 1.2 Millions Dollars gain from sponsorship and sales of Booths.

Over one Millions were raised for the Flood victims of Pakistan.

Over 1.2 millions were Spent for flood reliefs efforts and Homes Buildings.